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[Easy English 28] | |
등록일 : 2015-06-23 | 작성자 : 관리자 | 조회 : 3733 | |
[Easy English 28] Title: 회사 다닌 지 10년, 지금 하는 일에 만족하는 피터
A. 피터 너 그 회사 얼마나 다녔지? How long have you been with your company, Peter? B. 이제 십년이다. Gee~. It&qout;&qout;s been about 10 years now. A. 그거 참 긴 시간이다. 바꿔 볼 생각있어? That&qout;&qout;s a pretty long time. Any thoughts of a change? B. 아냐 아냐. 내가하는 일이 마음에들고 꽤 해볼만한 일이란 느낌이 들어. No, I don&qout;&qout;t think so. I like what I do and feel pretty challenged. A. 그거 잘 됐네. 달리 할 일이 없어 하는 일은 최악이지. That&qout;&qout;s good. There is nothing worse than being in a dead-end job.
B. 그렇구말고. For sure. ============================================================= * How long have~? How long have you had your car? * Any thoughts of~? Any thoughts of where you want to go for lunch? * There is nothing worse than~. There is nothing worse than eating food just to survive. ============================================================= Pronunciation & Listening skills -. being -. staying -. worrying -. playing -. studying -. enjoying Making up longer sentences-. I like -. I like what I do. -. I like what I do and feel pretty challenged. -. I like what I do and feel pretty challenged with my job. |
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