[Easy English 38]
등록일 : 2015-07-13   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3620
[Easy English 38]


Title: 친구의 고양이를 봐주기로 하는 데이비드


A. 데이비드, 너한테 부탁할게 있는데.

    I have a favor to ask you, David.

B. 응, 뭐가 필요한데?

    OK, what do you need?

A. 다음주에 며칠동안 우리 고양이 좀 봐줄 수 있니?

    Can you take care of my cat for a couple of days next week?

B. 그럴것같아. 근데 왜?

    I guess so but why?

A. 우리 숙모가 오시는데 고양이에게 알레르기가 있으셔서.

    My aunt is visiting us and she is allergic to cats.

B. 그렇구나. 리사, 전혀 문제없어.

    I see. No problem, Risa.


* for a couple of~

   I&qout;&qout;ll be away for a couple of weeks.

* ~ is going to ~ soon

   He is getting pretty upset right now.

* be allergic to ~

   Are you allergic to anything?


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. ask you

-. I&qout;&qout;m allergic

-. I&qout;&qout;m not angry at all

-. a cup of

-. care of

-. for a couple of days

Making up longer sentences

-. Can you

-. Can you take care of my cat?

-. Can you take care of my cat for a couple of days?

-. Can you take care of my cat for a couple of days next week?

[Easy English 39] 2015-07-14
[Easy English 37] 2015-07-10