[Easy English 44]
등록일 : 2015-07-21   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3547
[Easy English 44]


Title: 친구들과 섬 여행을 다녀온 케빈


A. 케빈, 주말 어땠어?

    How was your weekend, Kevin?

B. 근사했지. 친구들이랑 나 이틀동안 섬에갔었거든. 

    날씨가 그보다 더 좋을수가 없더라니까.

    It was great! My friend and I went on island for two days.

    We couldn&qout;&qout;t have asked for better weather.

A. 너희들 거기서 뭐했니?

    What did you guys do there?

B. 주로 그냥 바닷가에 있었지.

    Mostly just hung out on the beach.

A. 알만하네. 너 좀 탄 거 같아보여

    I can tell. It looks like you gonna bit of tanned.


* ~ could not have asked for ~

   We couldn&qout;&qout;t have asked for a nicer teacher.

* what did  you guys ~?

   What did you guys find out?

* Mostly just~

   Mostly just watched TV and relaxed.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. Let&qout;&qout;s take a trip to island.

-. Can you comb my daughter&qout;&qout;s hair?

-. aisle seat

-. salmon

-. Turn off the radio. Just listen to us.

-. Calm down please.

Making up longer sentences

-. My friend and I went on island

-. My friend and I went on island for two days.

-. My friend and I went on island for two days and mostly we just hung out.

-. My friend and I went on island for two days and mostly we just hung out 

    on the beach.

[Easy English 45] 2015-07-22
[Easy English 43] 2015-07-20