등록일 : 2015-03-12   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3592

< Expressions >










1. 상대방의 집에 초대를 받았을 때







* 언제 한번 놀러 오세요.


Come and see me one of these days.


Please drop in at my house someday.



* 제 초청을 받아 주시겠습니까?


Would you care to be my guest?



* 기꺼이 가겠습니다.


I&qout;&qout;d love to come.

I&qout;&qout;ll be glad to come.



* 파티가 몇 시에 시작되죠?


When is the party starting?


What time will you start the party?



* 파티가 몇 시에 끝나죠?


What time will the party end?


What time will the party be over?


What time is the party ending?



* 정장을 해야 합니까?


Should I dress formally?



* 양복을 입어야 합니까?


Should I wear a business suit?



* 오늘 몇 분이 올 것 같습니까?


How many people are you expecting today?



* 늦으셔도 상관없습니다.


It doesn&qout;&qout;t matter if you late.



* 기다리고 있었습니다.


We&qout;&qout;ve been expending you.








2. 상대방에게 무언가를 권유할 때






* 마실 것을 권유하는 표현


Would you like something to drink?


Should I fix you a drink?


I&qout;&qout;ll get you something to drink.


What would you like to drink?



* 이렇게 추운 날씨에는 뜨거운 커피 한 잔이 최고입니다.


There&qout;&qout;s nothing better than a hot cup of coffee in this cold weather.



* 술을 끊는 게 좋겠어요.


You&qout;&qout;d better quit drinking.



* 천천히 드세요.


Take your time eating.



* 이것까지 마저 드세요.


Please eat this last one up, too



* 자세를 편히 하십시오.


Please make yourself at home.


Please make yourself comfortable.


Please relax.



* 상의를 벗고 편히 쉬세요.


Take off your jecket and made yourself at home.



* 신발을 벗으세요.


Please take off your shoes.



* 여기 좀 더 계시지 그러세요?


Why don&qout;&qout;t you stay longer?


Can&qout;&qout;t you stay a little longer?


Can&qout;&qout;t you stick around a little longer?



* 차로 댁까지 모셔다 드릴까요?


Would you like me to drive you home?

TakeAway1_Lesson10 2015-03-16
< 부정사와 동명사 2 > 2015-03-10