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[Easy English 6] | |
등록일 : 2015-04-29 | 작성자 : 관리자 | 조회 : 3428 | |
[Easy English 6] A. 엄마, 저 이 김밥에서 시금치 빼도 되요? B. 안돼, 마이크. 그건 몸에 좋은 거야, 얘야. A. 그렇지만 저는 채소를 좋아하지 않는다고요. B. 마이크, 채소를 먹어야 더 크고 튼튼해진단다. A. 몸에 좋은 다른 걸 먹으면 안돼요? B. 편식하지 말아라. A. 알겠어요, 엄마. 다 먹을게요.​ ​ A. Mom, can I pick the spinach out of this 김밥? B. No, Mike. It&qout;&qout;s good for you, sweetie. A. But I don&qout;&qout;t like vegetables. B. Mike, they will help you (to) be(come) big and strong. A. Can&qout;&qout;t I eat something else (that&qout;&qout;s) healthy? B. Don&qout;&qout;t try to be picky. A. ​All right, Mom. I&qout;&qout;ll eat it all ===================================================== * Can I pick...out of the...? Can I pick the carrots out of the salad? * ...will help you to become... This medicine will help you to become stronger. *​ Can&qout;&qout;t I eat something else...? Can&qout;&qout;t I eat something else sweet? ===================================================== Pronunciation & Listening tips ... -. ​It&qout;&qout;s good for ​your health/your liver/your heart. -. ​Did you /I try to /You don&qout;&qout;t have to ​eat it all​. Making up longer sentences -. Can I / pick the spinach / out of this 김밥? |
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