[Easy English 49]
등록일 : 2015-07-28   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3528
[Easy English 49]


Title: 박람회를 잘 마치고 돌아온 피터


A. 돌아와서 반가워요, 피터. 여행은 어땠어요?

    Welcome back, Peter. How was your trip?

B. 최고였어요! 박람회도 근사했고 시애틀이 정말 맘에 들었어요.

    Fantastic! The convention was great and I really loved Seattle.

A. 그렇다니 잘됐네요. 일정때문에 걱정했던거 같은데요.

    That&qout;&qout;s great to hear. I remember you were worried about the schedule.

B. 도시를 많이 볼 수 없을줄알았죠. 

    I thought I wouldn&qout;&qout;t be able to see much of the city.

    하지만 다행이 돌아볼 시간이 많이 있더라구요.

    But luckily I had enough time to look around.


* How was ~?

   How was the movie?

* I remember~

   I remember you locked the door.

* I had enough ~ to 동사원형

   I had enough points to get a free gift.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. Do you want to take a train or plane?

-. trip

-. trousers

-. trial and error

-. tree

-. trouble

Making up longer sentences

-. I remember

-. I remember you were worried you wouldn&qout;&qout;t be able to see

-. I remember you were worried you wouldn&qout;&qout;t be able to see much of the city.

[Easy English 50] 2015-07-29
[Easy English 48] 2015-07-27