[Easy English 11]
등록일 : 2015-05-14   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3447

[Easy English 11]


Title: 숙제 때문에 친구들과 놀러 못 가는 데이비드


A. 너 오늘 학교 끝나고 뭐하니?

    What are you doing after school today? 

B. 난 해야 할 숙제가 산더미야.

    I&qout;&qout;ve got a file of homework to do.

A. 안됐네. 난 내 개를 데리고 조깅을 가려고 하는데.

    That&qout;&qout;s too bad. I&qout;&qout;m going to go jogging with my dog.

B. 나도 정말 가고 싶은데 못 가겠어.

    I&qout;&qout;d love to join but I just can&qout;&qout;t. 

A. 부르투스를 내가 데리고 갈까?

    Do you want me to take Brutus along with me?

B  그럴 수 있어? ~ 그거 좋겠다 제프.

    Could you? Wow~That would be great, Jeff.


* I&qout;&qout;ve got

   I&qout;&qout;ve got a lot of free time to help you.

* I would love to~

   I&qout;&qout;d love to go but I can&qout;&qout;t.

* Do you want me to~

   Do you want me to show your sister around town?


Pronunciation & Listening skills

->ㄲ 으로 발음...

-. school

-. skate

-. score

-. skillful

-. skirt

-. scandal

Making up longer sentences

-. Do you want me to~?

-. Do you want me to take Brutus along with me?

-. Do you want me to take Brutus along with me after school?


[Easy English 12] 2015-05-15
[Easy English 10] 2015-05-13