등록일 : 2015-01-22   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3387

< 부정 수량 형용사 >




1) many much



(1) &qout;&qout;many + &qout;&qout; (보통명사, 집합명사의 복수), &qout;&qout;much+&qout;&qout;(물질명사, 추상명사)에 쓰인다.


many children, many people, much money, much time.




(2) many, much의 동의어


1.a lot of  2. lots of  3. plenty of ( 1,2,3 은 수량에 쓰임)


4. a large number of = a great (good) many = very many ()


5. a great (=good) deal of = a great(=large) quantity of = very much-> We had a great deal of snow.()




(3) many/much 중요표현


1. I found five mistakes in as many lines. (동의수)


2. He drank two cups of coffee and as much tea. (같은 양의)


3. He says money is everything, and his son says as much. (똑같이)


4. She went out without so much as saying good bye.


   그녀는 안녕이라는 말도 없이 나가 버렸다.


5. Take as much again. (다시 그만큼 가져가시오)


6. His success is not so much by talent as by energy.


   그의 성공은 재능에 의한 것이라기 보다는 능력에 의한 것이다.


7. He is not much of a scholar.


그는 대단한 학자는 아니다.







2) few, a few little, a little



(1) few little - 부정적 의미로 수와 양을 나타내며 many much의 반대이다.


few, a few 뒤에는 복수명사가 와야 한다.



1. Few students can do the work.


(그 일을 할 수 있는 학생은 거의 없다.)


2. There is little water in the bottle. (거의 없는)


3. Many students can do the work.


4. Only a few students can do the work.


(극히 소수의, 조금밖에 없는 = few )


5. I have only a little time to spare. (= little)




2) a few, a little - 긍정적 의미로 수와 양을 나타낸다.


1. I have a few friends in America. (몇 명의 친구)


2. There is a little water in the bottle. (약간의 물)


3. He little knows the trouble he&qout;&qout;s caused.


little know, think, expect, dream 따위 동사 앞에 쓰일 때 부정의미가 된다. (=not at all)





(3) 주의할 성구 &qout;&qout;not a few, some few, quite a few = many &qout;&qout;, &qout;&qout;not a little, quite a little = much&qout;&qout;




(4) few little이 명사로도 쓰인다.


1. Very few have climbed the mountain.


(그 산을 오른 사람은 극히 드물다.)


2. Little is known of her past.


(그녀의 과거에 대해 알려진 게 거의 없다.)

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