프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 11
등록일 : 2014-07-26   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3507

Skill 1. Offering something (무엇인가를 권유할 때의 표현)

-       Will you have ~?

-       While we’re waiting, can I offer you ~?

-       Won’t you have ~?

-       Would you like ~?

-       What would you say to ~?

-       Why don’t you have ~?

-       What can I get you?

-       (Please) Help yourself to ~


Skill 2.  Accepting an offer of something (무엇인가를 권유했을 때의 응답표현)

-       Thank you.

-       Yes, please.

-       I’d like ~ very much, (please).

-       That would be great help.

-       Thank you, I will.

-       I can think of nothing better.


Skill 3.  Declining an offer of something (무엇인가를 제공할 때 거절하는 표현)

-       No, thank you.

-       Not for me, thank you.

-       No, I (really) won’t, thank you.

-       (No,) thank you, I couldn’t.


Skill 4. Showing sympathy (동정의 의사 표시를 피력할 때의 표현)

-       I’m (very) sorry to hear ~

-       (Oh dear,) I am sorry.

-       (Oh dear,) I’m (most) awfully sorry about ~

-       Oh, that’s bad luck.

-       That is a pity.

-       How annoying.

-       How terrible for you.

-       You must be very upset.


Skill 5. Accepting an apology (사과에 관하여 흔쾌히 받아줄 때의 표현)

-       That’s quite all right.

-       Not at all.

-       Please don’t be.

-       Please don’t worry.

-       It really doesn’t matter at all.

-       (Please) Think nothing of it.

-       (Please) Don’t give it another thought.


Skill 6.  Ending a conversation (대화를 끝마치고자 할 때의 표현)

-       (Well,) I’m afraid I must go now.

-       I’m afraid I really must go. I’m sorry. Bye.

-       (I hope you don’t mind, but) I really have to go now.

-       I’m (awfully) sorry, but I’ve got to ~

[ 바이어와의 약속] 2014-07-28
프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 10 2014-07-25