프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 2
등록일 : 2014-07-16   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3423

프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 2

Skill 1. Asking about remembering

어떤 사실이나 정보에 관하여 기억의 여부를 묻는 표현

- Do you remember~?
- I wonder if you remember~
- You remember ~, don&qout;&qout;t you?
- You haven&qout;&qout;t forgotten~, have you?
- Don&qout;&qout;t you remember~?
- Perhaps you&qout;&qout;ve forgotten~
- Remember~

Skill 2. Saying you remember

자신이 기억하고 있는 것을 말할 때의 표현

- I remember~
- I remember especially~
- I&qout;&qout;ll never forget~
- I&qout;&qout;ll always remember~
- I remember quite clearly~
- As far as I remember,~
- I can remember~

Skill 3. Asking if something is correct

어떤 사실이나 결과에 관하여 옳은 지의 여부를 묻는 표현

- Is~ right, please?
- Have I got this right, please?
- Could you tell me if~ is correct?
- Is~ correct, please?
- I&qout;&qout;d like to check that I&qout;&qout;ve got ~ right.
- Is it true~?
- Is~ OK?

Skill 4. Saying something is correct

사실 여부가 명확하거나 분명할 때의 표현.

- Yes, that&qout;&qout;s right.
- Yes,~
- Yes, that&qout;&qout;s quite right.
- Yes, that&qout;&qout;s correct.
- Yes, you&qout;&qout;re quite right.
- Exactly.


Skill 5. Saying something is not correct

상대방에게 틀리거나 옳지 않음을 지적할 때의 표현

- Sorry, ~&qout;&qout;s not right.
- No,it isn&qout;&qout;t, actually.
- I&qout;&qout;m afraid ~&qout;&qout;s wrong.
- I&qout;&qout;m afraid ~is not (quite) right.
- I&qout;&qout;m not sure you&qout;&qout;re right about~
- I don&qout;&qout;t think~
- I didn&qout;&qout;t think~

Skill 6. Correcting someone

자신이 알고 있는 바를 밝힐 때의 표현

- (Well,)In fact~
- Surely, it&qout;&qout;s BMW, isn&qout;&qout;t it?
- But,~
- As far as I know,~
- (Well,) As a matter of fact,~
- (Well,) Actually,~

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