등록일 : 2014-11-19   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3355

< 자연재해 >








1. 쓰나미가 무서워요.


I&qout;&qout;m scared of the tsunami.





2. 일본을 강타한 지진이 무서웠어요.


The earthquake that blasted Japan was scary.





3.춘천에서 발생한 산사태가 무서웠어요.


The landslide in Chuncheon was scary.






4. 아니요. 지진을 경험해 본 적은 없어요.


No, I&qout;&qout;ve never experienced an earthquake.





5. 작년에 일본으로 여행 갔다가 지진을 경험했어요.


I experienced the earthquake when I went to Japan last year.






6. 강도가 약한 지진은 경험했어요.


I&qout;&qout;ve experienced the earthquake where buildings have shaken before.





7. 건물이 흔들리는 지진을 경험했어요.


I&qout;&qout;ve experienced the earthquake where buildings have shaken before.






8. 아니요. 지진에 특별한 대비를 하지 않아요.


No, I don&qout;&qout;t do anything in particular to prepare myself for an earthquake.






9. 대피 훈련을 규칙적으로 해요.


We have regular practice drills.






10. 구급약을 준비해 둬야 해요.


We have to have emergency medicine ready.






11. 폭발 현장을 전에 보았어요.


I saw the explosion before.





12. 아주 무서웠어요.


 It was very terrifying.






13. 현실이 아닌 줄 알았어요.


I thought that it wasn&qout;&qout;t reality.





14. 무서운 재난 영화 같았어요.


It seemed like a really scary movie.






15. 사람들이 너무 불쌍해 보였어요.


People seemed so pitiful.






16. 원전이 폭발할 거라고 상상도 못했어요.


I never imagined that there would be a nuclear explosion.






17. 일본 정부가 책임을 져야 한다고 생각해요.


I think the Japanese government has to take some responsibility for this.






18. 방사능 유출이 무척 걱정이 돼요.


I&qout;&qout;m so worried about the exposure of radioactivity.






19. 자연재해가 해마다 늘어나고 있어요.


There are more natural disasters every year.






20. 폭우 피해를 많이 겪는 것 같아요.


There seems to be a lot of damage due to the heavy rain.

< 우울증 > 2014-11-20
< 네티켓 > 2014-11-18