프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 8
등록일 : 2014-07-23   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3718

프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 8

Skill 1. Saying you have no opinion

제시할 의견이 없을 때의 표현

- I really don&qout;&qout;t have any opinion about~
- I don&qout;&qout;t have anything to say.
- I&qout;&qout;ve no strong feelings about~
- I (really) don&qout;&qout;t know what to say.
- It doesn&qout;&qout;t (really) affect me, (I&qout;&qout;m afraid)~
- I (really) don&qout;&qout;t know what to think about~
- Your guess is as good as mine.
- I don&qout;&qout;t know.
- It makes no odds to me~


Skill 2. Avoiding giving an opinion

의견을 회피할 때의 표현

- I&qout;&qout;d rather not asy anything about~
- It&qout;&qout;s difficult to say~
- I suppose it depends no your point of view.
- I&qout;&qout;d have to think about~
- I&qout;&qout;m sorry I can&qout;&qout;t answer~
- I&qout;&qout;d prefer not to say anything about~
- No comment.
- Is it? / Was it? / Would they?


Skill 3. Trying to change someone&qout;&qout;s opinion

누군가의 의견을 바꾸려고 할 때의 표현

- But don&qout;&qout;t you think~?
- (Yes. but) Do you really think it would be possible to~?
- (Yes, but) Surely you don&qout;&qout;t think (believe)~
- (Yes, but) Is it possible that~?
- (Yes, but) Another way of looking at it would be (to say) that~
- (Yes, but) On the other hand,~


Skill 4. Asking if someone is interested

관심으나 흥미의 여부를 묻는 표현

- Are you interested in~?
- Are you interested in~ at all?
- Do you find ~ interesting(at all)?
- What are your interests?
- What are you interested in?
- Are you a ~ fan?
- Are you keen on chess(at all)?
- Do you go for~ (at all)?
- Does ~ grab you(at all)?


Skill 5. Saying you are interested

관심이나 흥미가 있을 경우의 응답 표현

- I&qout;&qout;m interested in~
- Well, my particular interest is~.
- ~interests me a great deal.
- I have some interest in~
- My main interest is~
- I find~ quite interesting.
- My hobby is~


Skill 6. Saying you are not interested

관심이나 흥미가 없을 때의 표현

- I&qout;&qout;m not very interested in~
- Actually, I don&qout;&qout;t have any interest in~
- I find~ rather boring, I&qout;&qout;m afraid.
- ~ isn&qout;&qout;t all that interesting as far as I&qout;&qout;m concerned.
- No, actually, that sort of thing isn&qout;&qout;t for me.
- I just can&qout;&qout;t get worked up about~
- (I&qout;&qout;m afraid)~ leaves me cold.
- (I&qout;&qout;m afraid)~ just isn&qout;&qout;t my cup of tea.
- (I&qout;&qout;m afraid) I couldn&qout;&qout;t care less about~

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