프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 9
등록일 : 2014-07-24   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3676

프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 9




Skill 1. Giving reasons


어떤 이유나 사유를 제시할 때의 표현


- (Well,) Because~

- ~ so that~

- Well, you see,~

- The reason was that~

- Let me explain. You see,~

- But the point is ~

- But surely,~

- The simple reason was that~



Skill 2. Asking if someone agrees


누군가에게 동의여부를 묻는 표현


- Don&qout;&qout;t you agree?

- Wouldn&qout;&qout;t you say so?

- You&qout;&qout;d agree with ~, wouldn&qout;&qout;t you?

- ~, don&qout;&qout;t you think?

- Don&qout;&qout;t you think so?

- Don&qout;&qout;t you feel(think)~?

- Am I talking nonsense?




Skill 3. Agreeing


상대방의 말에 동의할 때의 표현


- Yes. I agree.

- True enough.

- That&qout;&qout;s right(true).

- I can&qout;&qout;t help thinking the same.

- That&qout;&qout;s (just) what I was thinking.

- I couldn&qout;&qout;t agree more.

- How true!

- How right you are!

- I (absolutely / entirely ) agree~




Skill 4. Disagreeing


상대방의 말에 동의하지 않을 때의 표현


- (Oh,) I don&qout;&qout;t agree.

- I&qout;&qout;m not (at all) sure, in fact.

- Not really.

- (Oh,) I don&qout;&qout;t know~

- (Oh,) I don&qout;&qout;t know about~

- No, I don&qout;&qout;t think~

- Actually, I don&qout;&qout;t think~

- I disagree~

- That&qout;&qout;s wrong.

- I don&qout;&qout;t think that&qout;&qout;s right.



Skill 5. Saying you partly agree


부분적으로 동의한다고 할 때의 표현


- I don&qout;&qout;t entirely agree with~

- I see your point,~

- I see what you mean, but~

- To a certain extent, yes, but~

- There&qout;&qout;s a lot in what you say, but~

- Yes, maybe (perhaps), but~

- Agreed, but~

- I couldn&qout;&qout;t agree more, but~




Skill 6. Saying you are wrong and someone else is right.


자신이 틀리고 다른 사람이 옳을 때의 표현


- (Yes,) Sorry. You&qout;&qout;re (quite) right.

- (Yes,) Perhaps I&qout;&qout;m wrong (there).

- (Yes,) You may well be right~

- (Yes,) Perhaps you have a point(there).

- Yes, I hadn&qout;&qout;t thought of~

- Yes, I don&qout;&qout;t know what I was thinking of.

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