[Easy English 30]
등록일 : 2015-06-29   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3531
[Easy English 30]


Title: 아르바이트를 끝나고 친구들과 한잔하러

        가는 케빈.


A. 수, 너 일끝나고 바로 집으로 갈거야?

    Are you heading straight home after work, Sue?

B. 응, 그럴거 같은데, 왜?

    I think so, why?

A. 탐, 해리, 캐롤 그리고 나 이렇게 호프집으로 닭날개 파티하러 가려구.

    Tom, Harry, Carol and I are going to wing night at the pub.

B. 닭날개 파티? 그게 뭔데?

    Wing night? What is that?

A. 단돈 4달러로 닭날개 10개 한 접시를 살 수 있어.

    You can buy a plate of 10 chicken wings for just 4 dollars.

B. 괜찮은데! 나도 따라가도돼?

     Sounds great! Mind if I tag along?


* Are you heading to~?

   Are you heading to the mall?

* for just + 돈, 시간, 기간

   You can have dinner there for just 5 dollars.

* (Do you) Mind if I~

   Mind if I close the window?


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. My lunch time is from two to three.

-. for four days

-. It&qout;&qout;s ten to two

-. a room for four adults

-. We&qout;&qout;ve got a work for two to four.

-. for four month

Making up longer sentences

-. You can buy

-. You can buy a plate of 10 chicken wings.

-. You can buy a plate of 10 chicken wings for just 4 dollars.

-. You can buy a plate of 10 chicken wings for just 4 dollars today.

[Easy English 31] 2015-06-30
[Easy English 29] 2015-06-25