[Easy English 31]
등록일 : 2015-06-30   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3502
[Easy English 31]


Title: 리포트를 늦게 제출해서 학점이 깎이게 된 조앤


A. 교수님과 얘기해봤어?

    Did you have a word with your professor?

B. 응, 교수님이 나한테 화가 나셨더라구.

    Yes, she wasn&qout;&qout;t very happy with me.

A. 니가 리포트를 일주일 늦게 제출해서?

    Because you turned in your report a week late?

B. 응

    That&qout;&qout;s right.

A. 그럴만하네. 받아주셨어?

    I can imagine. Did she accept it?

B. 응, 하지만 그것때문에 내 학점을 10% 깍겠다고 하시더라.

    Yes she did but she said that she would knock 10 % off my grade.


* have a word with~

   I&qout;&qout;d like to have a word with you.

* Did ~ 동사원형 ~?

   Did she say yes?

* ~ said ... would..

   He said he would never lie to me.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. breath-breathe

-. It&qout;&qout;s not easy to breathe on the top of mountain.

-. take a bath-bathe

-. bathing suit

Making up longer sentences

-. My professor wasn&qout;&qout;t very happy.

-. My professor wasn&qout;&qout;t very happy with me.

-. My professor wasn&qout;&qout;t very happy with me because I turned in my report...

-. My professor wasn&qout;&qout;t very happy with me because I turned in my report

    a week late.

[Easy English 32] 2015-07-01
[Easy English 30] 2015-06-29