[Easy English 33]
등록일 : 2015-07-03   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3728
[Easy English 33]


Title: 뉴욕 지사로 출장을 가게 되는 피터


A. 여보, 앞으로 빠른 시일내에 머 출장 가야할 일이 있어요?

    Any more business trips in the near future for you, Peter?

B. 아마도. 뉴욕에 가야 할지도 몰라.

    Possibly I might have to go to New York.

A. 뉴욕이요? 거긴 당신 회사 본사가 있는 곳이잖아요.

    New York? That&qout;&qout;s where your headquarters are.

B. 맞아. 우리 사무실에서 누구 한 사람이 대표로 가야해.

    That&qout;&qout;s right. One representative from our office has to go.

   그게 내가 될 것 같아.

   It looks like it might be me.

A. 그럼, 여행가기로 한 우리 계획은 날아간거에요?

    Then the trip we planned is off?


* I might have to~

   I might have to stay in all weekend.

* that&qout;&qout;w where 주어 동사

   That where I put my shoes earlier.

* It might be~

   It might be my turn to do it.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. We might&qout;&qout;ve to change our plan.

-. It could&qout;&qout;ve been worse

-. It must&qout;&qout;ve been true.

-. should&qout;&qout;ve

-. You must&qout;&qout;ve been really excited.

Making up longer sentences

-. One representative from our office

-. One representative from our office has to go 

-. One representative from our office has to go and it looks like

-. One representative from our office has to go and it looks like it might be me

[Easy English 34] 2015-07-06
[Easy English 32] 2015-07-01