[Easy English 35]
등록일 : 2015-07-08   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3675
[Easy English 35]


Title: 회사 일로 힘들어하고 있는 케빈


A. 케빈, 잘 지내니?

    What&qout;&qout;s new, Kevin?

B. 솔직히 말씀드리면 요즘 아주 녹초가 되었어요.

    I&qout;&qout;m pretty burned out lately to be honest.

A. 왜그러는데?

    Why is that?

B. 요새 제 일이 저를 너무 힘들게해요. 계속 밤늦게까지 일했거든요.

    My work is  getting to me these days. I&qout;&qout;ve been burning the midnight oil.

A. 왜?


B. 다가오는 행사를 준해야했거든요.

    I needed to get ready for the upcoming event.


* I&qout;&qout;m pretty~

   I&qout;&qout;m pretty scared about what could happen.

* ~ getting to ...(bother)

   Is that starting to get to you? (bother you)

* I&qout;&qout;ve been ~ing

   I&qout;&qout;ve been thinking about that a lot.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. ready(뤠~디)

-. how can you be so rude?

-. rush hour

-. reporter(리포~더)

-. rarely

Making up longer sentences

-. I&qout;&qout;ve been burning the midnight oil.

-. I&qout;&qout;ve been burning the midnight oil to get ready.

-. I&qout;&qout;ve been burning the midnight oil to get ready for the upcoming event.

[Easy English 36] 2015-07-09
[Easy English 34] 2015-07-06