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"True Education"라는 경영 이념을 담아 참된 교육을 실시합니다.
[Easy English 39] | |
등록일 : 2015-07-14 | 작성자 : 관리자 | 조회 : 3499 | |
[Easy English 39]
Title: 친구에게 아르바이트 자리를 주선해 주는 케빈 A. 제인 안녕~ 너 아직 아르바이트 자리 찾고있니? Hey, Jane~ are you still looking for some part time work? B. 응, 케빈. 뭐 알고있는거 있어? Yes, I am Kevin. Do you know of some? A. 응, 내가 일하고있는 회사에서 온라인 검색을 할 사람이 필요하대. Yes, the company I&qout;&qout;m working for needs someone to do some on-line research. 매일 9시부터 6시까지 사무실에 있어야 할거야. You will need to be at the office from nine to six everyday. B. 문제없어. 언제 시작할 수 있어? No, problem. When can I start? A. 내일 아침 일찍 들러. Come by first thing tomorrow morning.
============================================================ * Are you still ~ing? Are you still packing? * You need ~ to ... I need someone to carry a few things to my car for me. * You will need to~ You will need to see a doctor. ============================================================= Pronunciation & Listening skills -. still -. extension -. escape -. spare -. spoil -. spam mail Making up longer sentences-. The company I&qout;&qout;m working for -. The company I&qout;&qout;m working for needs someone -. The company I&qout;&qout;m working for needs someone to do some on-line research. |
- 다음글
- [Easy English 40] 2015-07-15
- 이전글
- [Easy English 38] 2015-07-13