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"True Education"라는 경영 이념을 담아 참된 교육을 실시합니다.
[Easy English 42] | |
등록일 : 2015-07-17 | 작성자 : 관리자 | 조회 : 3458 | |
[Easy English 42]
Title: 출장 갔던 것에 대한 발표를 해야 하는 피터 A. 그래, 피터. 박람회에 대해서 발표를 좀 해 줬으면 좋겠는데요. So peter, I&qout;&qout;d like you to give a presentation on the convention. B. 네, 사이먼 부장님 그렇게 하겠습니다. OK, Simon. I&qout;&qout;d be happy too. A. 반응이 어땠는지에 중점을 둬서 할 수 있겠나요? Can you focus on how it was received? B. 솔직히 말씀드리자면 긍정적인 반응을 많이 받았습니다. To be honest I got a lot of positive feedback from it. A. 그거 잘 됐네요, 피터. I&qout;&qout;d glad to hear that, Peter.
B. 기획단계에서 해 주신 부장님의 도움과 조언이 큰 도움이 되었습니다. Your help and advice in planning went a long way. ============================================================= * I would like you to do ~ I&qout;&qout;d like you to try on talk to her. * Can you~? Can you tell me if this taste OK? * ~ went a long way A little care went a long way towards making her feel better. ============================================================= Pronunciation & Listening skills -. I&qout;&qout;d be -. We&qout;&qout;d be -. She&qout;&qout;d be -. He&qout;&qout;d be -. They&qout;&qout;d be -. It&qout;&qout;d be Making up longer sentences-. I&qout;&qout;d like you -. I&qout;&qout;d like you to give a presentation. -. I&qout;&qout;d like you to give a presentation on the convention. -. I&qout;&qout;d like you to give a presentation on the convention on Monday. |
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