[Easy English 43]
등록일 : 2015-07-20   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3578
[Easy English 43]


Title: 다시 또 월요일을 맞아 힘들어하는 데이비드


A. 아~ 벌써 월요일이라니.

    Ah~I can&qout;&qout;t believe it&qout;&qout;s Monday already.

B. 그러게. 주말은 대체 어디로 간거냐?

    Yeah, where did the weekend go?

A. 늘 주말은 너무나 빨리 휙 날아가버리는 것 같아.

    It always seems to fly by too quickly.

B. 그래. 다시 공부할 시간이다.

    Yap. it&qout;&qout;s time to get back to the books.

A. 이번주는 나한테도 바쁜 한 주가 될거야.

    This is going to be  a busy week for me too.

B. 나도 마찬가지야. 이번주에 내야하는 리포트가 많거든.

    Same here. I&qout;&qout;ve got a lot of reports due this week.


* It always seems to~

   It always seems to happen that way.

* It&qout;&qout;s time to~

   It&qout;&qout;s time to change the music.

* I have got ~ due ...

   I&qout;&qout;ve got two papers due this week.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. queen

-. Could you be quiet please.

-. Do you have any questions?

-. quickly

-. quarter

-. It&qout;&qout;s quite easy.

Making up longer sentences

-. This is going to be a busy week.

-. This is going to be a busy week for me.

-. This is going to be a busy week for me because I&qout;&qout;ve got a lot of reports.

-. This is going to be a busy week for me because I&qout;&qout;ve got a lot of reports 

    due this week.

[Easy English 44] 2015-07-21
[Easy English 42] 2015-07-17