등록일 : 2015-03-03   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3440

< 주의를 요하는 수동태 >








1) 행위자를 필요로 하지 않는 수동태


1. They speak English in Canada.


-> English is spoken in Canada.


2. His father was killed in the battle.


we, you, they, people, one, someone 따위가 &qout;&qout;일반사람&qout;&qout; 또는 &qout;&qout;불특정 사람&qout;&qout;을 나타낼 때와 행위자가 분명할 경우에는 수동태에서 &qout;&qout;by+목적격&qout;&qout;을 쓸 필요가 없다.




2) 목적어가 명사절일 때 : 가주어 It를 쓴다.


1. He asked if (whether) they were coming.


-> It was asked if (whether) they were coming.


2. They say that he is rich. -> That he is rich is said. (X)


a -> It is said that he is rich. (O)


b -> He is said to be rich. (O)


▶ 위의 2와 같이 두 가지 수동태를 만들 수 있는 동사는 believe, expect, know, think,


say, that의 경우처럼 They think (believe) that It is thought (=believed)~,


They used to suppose that It used to be supposed~ 으로 수동문이 된다.


3. He said that he was rich.


-> 수동태를 만들 수 없다. (주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 같은 경우)


4. 동사에 따라서는 목적인 명사절을 주어로 하여 수동으로 고칠 수 있다.


a. John believes that Mary is innocent.


That Mary is innocent is believed by John.


= It is believed by John that Mary is innocent.


b. Most of the students would prefer for you to leave early.


For you to leave early would be preferred by most of the students.


c. For you to leave early will be forced by most of your friends.(X)


You will be forced to leave early by John. (O)





3) by 이외의 전치사를 쓰는 경우


(1) &qout;&qout;with+목적격&qout;&qout; 으로 쓰이는 경우&qout;&qout; -> with는 도구를 나타냄.


1. He was hit with a stick.


2. It was broken with a hammer.


3. He was killed with a stone.



(2) 수동태의 주어에 대해서 적극적인 행위가 약한 경우.


1. His name is known to everybody.


2. We were caught in the rain.


3. I was surprised at the news. (was astonished at)


4. I am interested in music.


5. He is satisfied with the new house.


6. The field was covered with snow.


7. The horse was hurt to death.


8. He is engaged in business.


9. I was born in Seoul.


10. He was drowned in the river.


11. She was suddenly taken ill.


12. You are mistaken.


13. He is entirely absorbed in his business.

< 주의를 요하는 수동태2 > 2015-03-05
<수동태의 여러 가지 형태> 2015-03-02