[Easy English 21]
등록일 : 2015-06-10   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3498
[Easy English 21]


Title: 숙제는 미뤄 두고 친구네 놀러 가려는 데이비드


A. 저녁 맛있었어요, 엄마. 저 지금 바비네 집에 가요.

    Great dinner, Mom. I&qout;&qout;m heading over to Bobby&qout;&qout;s now.

B. 어, 잠깐만. 너 내일까지 해야하는 숙제가 있지 않니?

    Wait a minutes. Don&qout;&qout;t you have some homework due tomorrow?

A. 어...그게...네, 있죠.

    Um...well...Yeah, I do.

B. 다 끝난거니?

    Is it all finish?

A. 아뇨. 하지만 아빠가 도와주실 거에요.

    Well. not exactly...but Dad will give me a hand with it.

B. 너 숙제가 끝날 때까진 집에 있어야 해.

    You need to stay in until it&qout;&qout;s done.


* I&qout;&qout;m going to (I&qout;&qout;m heading over to)~

   I&qout;&qout;m heading over to school.

* due~

   My rent is due today.

* give~ a hand with...

   Let me give you a hand with that.


Pronunciation & Listening skills

-. You need to be careful.

-. had to

-. have for

Making up longer sentences

-. I was hoping that

-. I was hoping that David could

-. I was hoping that David could give me a hand.

-. I was hoping that David could give me a hand with my homework.

[Easy English 22] 2015-06-12
[Easy English 20] 2015-06-09