[Easy English 7]
등록일 : 2015-05-08   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3469

[Easy English 7]


Title: 힘든 한 주가 끝나 기분 좋은 데이비드


A. 학교에서의 또 한 주가 끝났네. 정말 힘든 일주일이었어.

    I&qout;&qout;m all done with another week at school. I&qout;&qout;d a really tough week.

B. 하지만 다음 주도 역시 힘들지 않겠어?

    But isn&qout;&qout;t next week going to be tough too?.

A. 아마 그렇겠지. 하지만 지금은 그 생각은 하고 싶지 않아. 금요일이잖아.

     Probably but I don&qout;&qout;t want to think about that now. It&qout;&qout;s Friday!

    그리고 난 이번 주말에 숙제도 없다고.

     And I&qout;&qout;ve got no homework this weekend. 

B  좋겠다~ 나도 똑같은 말을 할 수 있었으면 좋겠다.

     Lucky you~. I wish I could say the same.


* ~be done with...

   I&qout;&qout;m finally all done with my presentation.

* I don&qout;&qout;t want to~

   I don&qout;&qout;t want to hear any more excuses.

* I wish I could~

   I wish I could turn back the clock to that day.


Pronunciation & Listening skills


-. I&qout;&qout;m really worried about it.

-. Would you like your steak, well-done, medium, or rare?

-. Look at the rabbit.

-. I&qout;&qout;ll be back around 5:30.

-. It&qout;&qout;s been raining for 5 days.

-. That&qout;&qout;r right.

Making up longer sentences

-. I&qout;&qout;ve got no homework

-. I&qout;&qout;ve got no homework this weekend so

-. I&qout;&qout;ve got no homework this weekend so I&qout;&qout;ve got enough time to

-. I&qout;&qout;ve got no homework this weekend so I&qout;&qout;ve got enough time to have some fun.


[Easy English 8] 2015-05-11
[Easy English 6] 2015-04-29