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Essential Idioms in English | |
등록일 : 2013-11-25 | 작성자 : 관리자 | 조회 : 3742 | |
ex) What important buildings did the tour guide point out to you? ex) The teacher point out the mistakes in my composition. ex) A friend pointed the famous actor out to me.
ex) "The time is up," the teacher said at the end of the test period. ex) We have to leave the tennis court because our hour is up; some other people want to use it now.
ex) After the dance was over, we all went to a restaurant. ex) The meeting was through ten minutes earlier that everyone expected.
ex) I thought that Margaret would arrive late, but she was right on time. ex) Did you get to work on time this morning, or did rush hour traffic delay you?
ex) We entered the theater just in time to see the beginning of the movie. ex) The truck was not able to stop in time to prevent an accident.
ex) Heather has been sick for a month, but now she is getting better. ex) I hope the economy doesn't get any worse than it is now.
ex) Ilhan got sick last week and has been in bed since that time. ex) Every afternoon I get very hungry, so I eat a snack.
ex) I think you'd better speak to Mr. White right away about this matter. ex) The doctor told the patient that he'd better go home and rest.
ex) Would you rather have the appointment this Friday or next Monday?
* to call it a day/night : ~을 그만하기로 하다 ex) Ian tried to repair his car engine all morning before he called it a day and went fishing. ex) We've been working hard on this project all evening; let's call it a night.
ex) How long did it take you to figure out the answer to the math problem? ex) I was never able to figure it out.
- 다음글
- Essential Idioms in English 2013-11-29
- 이전글
- Essential Idioms in English 2013-11-20