프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice
등록일 : 2014-07-14   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3529

프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice

Skill 1. Asking for information

어떤 정보 따위를 요청할 때의 표현

- Could you tell me ~, please?
- (Excuse me?) Do you know~?
- Can you tell me ~, please?
- Sorry to trouble you, but~?
- (Can you help me?) Do you happen to know~?
- I&qout;&qout;d like to know~


Skill 2. Asking if someone knows about something

어떤 것에 관하여 알고 있는지 여부를 묻는 표현

- Can you help me? Do you know about~?
- Excuse me, do you know anything about~?
- Can you help me? Do you happen to know anything about~?
- Excuse me, do you know~?
- Sorry to bother you, but do you know~?


Skill 3. Saying you know about something

이미 알고 있는 것을 말할 때의 표현

- Yes, I know~, thanks.
- (Yes, in fact,) I did know about~ , thanks.
- Yes, I do know about~
- Yes, I have heard about~
- Someone has told me about~

Skill 4. Saying you do not know

아는 바가 없을 때의 표현

- I&qout;&qout;m sorry, I don&qout;&qout;t know.
- I&qout;&qout;m afraid, I don&qout;&qout;t know anything about~
- I&qout;&qout;m sorry I really don&qout;&qout;t know.
- I&qout;&qout;m sorry , I can&qout;&qout;t help you there.
- I&qout;&qout;m afraid, I&qout;&qout;ve no idea.
- Search me.
- I haven&qout;&qout;t got a clue.


Skill 5. Reminding

상대방에게 주지시키거나 상기시킬 때의 표현

-(Please,) Don&qout;&qout;t forget~
- Can I remind you~?
- I&qout;&qout;d like to remind you~
- Could I remind you ~?
- Will you remember~?
- You will remember to ~, won&qout;&qout;t you?
- You won&qout;&qout;t forget to~ , will you?
- You haven&qout;&qout;t forgotten about~, have you?



프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 2 2014-07-16
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