프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 3
Skill 1. Asking if someone is sure about something
확실성의 여부를 묻는 표현
- Are you sure about~? - Are you certain~? - Are you certain about~? - You&qout;&qout;re absolutely(quite) sure ~? - Are you sure~? - Definitely?
Skill 2. Saying you are sure
다소 확실함을 나타내는 표현
- I&qout;&qout;m sure~ - I&qout;&qout;m quite sure~ - I&qout;&qout;m absolutely(fairly) sure~ - I&qout;&qout;ve no doubt~ - I&qout;&qout;m absolutely certain ~ - I know~ - Certainly(Definitely),~ - I&qout;&qout;m sure(certain) about~ - I&qout;&qout;ve no doubt about~
Skill 3. Saying what you think is possible or probable
예정이나 추측 따위를 나타낼 때의 표현
- is going to~ - I expect~ - It&qout;&qout;s (quite) possible(probable)~ - It&qout;&qout;s (quite) likely~ - Maybe (perhaps, probably)~ - ~looks(seems) possible - It looks / looks like / looks as if~ - I shouldn&qout;&qout;t be surprised if~
Skill 4. Saying you are not sure
다소 자신할 수 없거나 불확실 할 때의 표현
- (Sorry,) I&qout;&qout;m not sure~ - I can&qout;&qout;t make up my mind~ - I can&qout;&qout;t decide~ - I&qout;&qout;m not really sure~ - I&qout;&qout;m not really sure about~ - I&qout;&qout;m in two minds~ - I&qout;&qout;m in two minds about~
Skill 5. Saying what you think is improbable or impossible
예상하지 못하거나 불가능하다고 할 때의 표현
- I don&qout;&qout;t think~ - (Sorry, but) It&qout;&qout;s not likely~ - I don&qout;&qout;t expect~ - It&qout;&qout;s not probable~ - It&qout;&qout;s unlikely~ - ~ is not likely - ~ is not likely to~ - It&qout;&qout;s impossible (not possible)~ - ~is impossible, (I&qout;&qout;m afraid).
Skill 6. Talking about what might happen
가정이나 조건을 나타낼 때의 표현
- If~ - Yes, I wonder~ - Suppose~ - Unless~ - What if~? - Just imagine~ - Just imagine if~ - If only~
Skill 7. Asking how someone feels before something happens
어떤 일이 발생하기 전의 느낌을 묻는 표현
- Are you all right~? - Is anything the matter? - Are you worried(happy)~? - Will it he OK with you if~? - How would you feel if~? - How would you feel about~? - Are you looking forward to~?