등록일 : 2014-07-29   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3489

<약속시간 정하기>



* 그쪽에서 시간과 장소를 말씀해 보세요.

You name the place and time.

Please tell the place and time you like.


* 몇 시가 좋을까요?

What&qout;&qout;s a good time for you?

What&qout;&qout;s the most convenient time for you?

When would you like to meet?

When is it convenient for you to meet me?


*  몇 시쯤 오시겠습니까?

When do you want to come?

When can I expect you?


* 그분과 언제 약속이 가능하죠?

When is his next available appointment?


* 거기에 언제까지 도착하면 됩니까?

What time should I be there?

What time would you like me to come?


* 제가 몇 시에 들르면 가장 좋겠습니까?

What&qout;&qout;s the best time to drop in?

When would be the best time for you?

What time would suit you best?


* 스미스 씨와 약속을 하고 싶습니다.

I&qout;&qout;d like to schedule an appointment with Mr. Smith.


* 최대한 서두르면 몇 시까지 올 수 있습니까?

What&qout;&qout;s the fastest you can make it?

[Note]여기서 make it은 arrive의 뜻으로 쓰였고, fastest 다음에
time이 생략되었다고 볼 수 있다.
= What&qout;&qout;s the fastest (time when) you can make it?


* 세 시쯤 시간이 있으십니까?

Will you be free at about three?

I&qout;&qout;d like to see you at three.

Would you be able to meet me at three o&qout;&qout;clock?

Are you going to be free at about three today?

Do you have some free time around three?


* 내일 세 시에 오실 수 있습니까?

Could you come over tomorrow at three?


* 오늘이 무슨 요일이죠?

What day is it today?

What day of the week is it today?


* 어느 요일이 좋겠습니까?

What day of the week will be the best for you?


* 금주 중으로 언제 시간이 납니까?

Would you be free anytime during the week?

May I see you sometime during the week?


* 아무 때나 오세요.

You are welcome at any time.

Come any time you please.

Please come any time you want.


< 만나기에 적합한 장소 정하기 > 2014-07-30
[ 바이어와의 약속] 2014-07-28