프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 5
등록일 : 2014-07-19   |   작성자 : 관리자   |   조회 : 3384

프리토킹에 강해지는 Pattern Practice 5

Skkill 1. Expressing surprise

놀라움을 나타낼 때의 표현

- (Well,)That's very surprising.
- Really?
- What a surprise!
- That is a surprise!
- (Oh,) That's amazing(extraordinary)!
- Good heavens!
- My goodness!
- Gook lord!


Skill 2. Saying you are pleased

기쁨이나 즐거움을 나타낼 때의 표현

- I'm very pleased with~
- (Oh,) How marvellous!
- (Oh,)~'s wonderful, marvellous, etc.
- (Oh,)~ is good news.
- I'm (very) pleased (delighted).
- I'm (very) delighted about~
- ~'s good(wonderful, splendid) news.
- ~'s the best thing (news) I've heard for a long time.

Skill 3. Saying you are displeased or angry

불쾌하거나 화가 났을 때의 표현

- I'm very annoyed~
- Oh no!
- Oh dear!
- Oh bother!
- What a nuisance!
- How infuriating(irritating)!
- ~ really makes me cross(angry).
- ~ annoys(irritates)me.
- ~ really isn't good enough.
- ~ isn't very nice(pleasant).
- I really hate~


Skill 4. Saying you are relieved

안심이 될 때의 표현

- (Oh,) That's a relief.
- (Oh,) Thank goodness for that.
- Thank goodness for~
- Thank goodness!
- Thank heavens!
- (Oh,) Good(Marvellous)!
- (Oh,) What a relief!


Skill 5. Saying you are disappointed

낙담이나 실망했을 때의 표현

- (Oh,) I am disappointed~
- That's very disappointing, (I must say).
- I'm rather disappointed~
- I'm very disappointed about~
- ~'s a great pity(disappointment).
- What a pity(disappointment)!
- I'm sorry to hear~
- I'm sorry to hear about~


Skill 6. Saying you are excited

격분하거나 흥분했을 때의 표현

- ~'s very exciting.
- Really? Oh, that's wonderful.
- ~ is exciting(thrilling).
- How exciting(marvellous, wonderful)!
- I find~ very exciting(interesting).
- Great!
- (Hey,)~'s terrific(great)!
- Fantastic!
- Terrific!
- Smashing!
- Super!
- Hooray!
- Yippee!


Skill 7. Saying you are bored

지루함이나 싫증이 날 때의 표현

- I don't find ~ very interesting.
- How boring (unexciting)!
- ~ looks(sounds, seems)rather boring.
- (I'm afraid) I'm rather bored by~
- I'm sorry, but~ rather bores me.
- I'm sorry, (but) I'm really not terribly interested in~
- I don't think ~ is very exciting.

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